Soup-ermum Soup-er Powers

We all know that mums are soup-er, but what exactly is it that makes them so good at what they do? How on earth do they manage everything and still have time for us? Honestly, we are letting you in on a big secret here… Soup-ermums have soup-er powers. These powers are the reason they’re just so soup-er. See for yourself… 


X-Ray Vision

Isn’t it amazing how your Soup-ermum always knew what was going on all the time, even when they weren’t in the same room as you? It was like they could sense when you were messing around or being naughty. It’s actually because Soup-ermums have x-ray vision, meaning they can see through walls! When you were playing about with your younger sibling and winding them up, mum could see you. If you thought you were being really secretive and quietly doing something you knew you shouldn’t have been, mum could see you. Mum would always catch you no matter how stealthy you were trying to be because her x-ray vision zapped through walls/ceilings/closed doors and caught you red-handed!

Bend Time

If you look at a typical day for a Soup-ermum, it consists of a never-ending list of things to do. When there are a limited number of hours during a day, it’s honestly a miracle that they manage to get it all done! But there’s a secret to how the Soup-ermum achieves it all… She has the power to bend time. She can extend hours into as long as she likes in order to crack on through her to-do list, and she’d still be in the car park on time to collect you from school. You wouldn’t notice it because time would stay the same for you, but did you ever used to wonder why your Soup-ermum was so utterly exhausted at the end of the day? It’s because her day had been at least 76 hours long!


Healing Powers

That time when your favourite toy you were bought at Christmas broke, mum was there to fix it. When you fell over in the playground and grazed your knee, mum made you feel better. When your first boyfriend or girlfriend unceremoniously dumped you by text, mum made it alright again. When you messed up your job interview, mum was there for you. There’s no end to the things that mums can fix, from broken toys to broken hearts. That’s because Soup-ermums have healing powers. Whenever you’ve had a problem, you could go to your Soup-ermum and she’d make it okay.

Soup-er Strength

No matter what mums are faced with, they’re really good at just getting on with it, usually by tackling the problem head on. One amazing Soup-ermum power is soup-er strength. This means carrying a tonne of stuff all at once physically and/or emotionally. Regardless of the baggage Soup-ermums are carrying, they’re strong enough to bear the weight and carry on as normal.


You’re probably reading this and thinking how true this all sounds! It makes sense that mums have soup-er powers which they use secretly throughout the day to make our lives better (just like any real superhero!) Just make sure you show your appreciation this Mother’s Day for all the hard work that your Soup-ermum does.

Does your mum have any soup-er powers? Can she see into the future? Can she kill with a single look using lasers that shoot from her eyes? Let us know!

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