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New research suggests family mealtimes are a thing of the past, but eating together regularly can be beneficial for the whole family. Read on to find out how regular family mealtimes could make a big difference to your family’s health and happiness.

1) Family togetherness

Eating dinner together as a family is a great way to reconnect and learn things from each other. Family meals allow for conversation and bonding, which can be easily neglected when there are a 101 things to do in the day. Research even suggests that finding time to eat with your family can greatly reduce stress levels, which is an added bonus!

2) Encourages kids to try new foods

Family meals are a good way to introduce new foods to your kids, especially as dinners at home are more likely to include a range of different ingredients. If you are enthusiastic about trying new foods, your children will be too. Even the fussiest of kids can be won over. A simple ‘Mmm, this is so yummy’ can do wonders to persuade your kids to try something new.

3) Better health

Planning and cooking balanced meals for the whole family can make a big difference to your health and well-being. It allows you to use natural ingredients and monitor portion sizes, which will help everyone in the family to maintain a healthy weight. Eating nutritious foods on a regular basis will also encourage your children to adopt healthy eating habits later on.

4) Boosts grades


Did you know, children who eat regular meals with their families tend to perform better at school? Dinnertime conversation helps kids to pick up on new words and engage in adult conversation, which can make a big difference to their learning and development. Talking over dinner also provides a safe space for kids to express their ideas and share their thoughts and feelings. This can make them more confident in school, particularly when it comes to class discussion.

5) Makes your kids happier

Regular family meals can reduce the risk of kids developing troubling behaviours. Studies show that children who do not sit down with their family for mealtimes are more likely to report feelings of depression and tend to have lower self-esteem and confidence. Talking together as a family can help kids to feel accepted and more content with who they are.

6) Saves time and money

It’s far cheaper to cook up big family batches for evening meals than it is to buy individual ready meals or eat out. Planning leftovers that you can freeze for a later date can also help to save time and money. There are lots of quick and easy family meals you can cook on a budget. Take a look at our range of Campbell Soup recipes for some inspiration.